KOHANIM CAUTION!!! (The Kever of Baron Edmond de Rothschild and his wife are in a crypt. The rest of the garden is fine)
(my videos from this travel)
- Baron Edmond de Rothschild and his wife are buried in Ramat Hanadiv. In their honor, they built a beautiful park in the area.
I went to the following places as one hike, they are near each other. Each individual place is a Tier 3, but if you combine them all, it is a Tier 2.
The duration of the full hike was 5-6HR
Tel Mevorakh then Horvat Akav then Ramat Hanadiv then Horvat Alec then Jabotinsky Park then Binyamina
Archeological | 1/5 |
Historical | 1/5 |
Nature | 5/5 |
Views | 2/5 |