(my videos from this travel)
Google Maps --- Duration 1.5HR
- Tel Hazor has a nice amount of archaeological remains, including an ancient water system. Additionally, Tel Hazor is mentioned many times in The Tanach.
- Hazor was the largest Canani city. It says in Sefer Yehoshua, that Hazor was "the head of all these kingdoms".
- It says that Shlomo Hamelech built "the wall of Yerushalayim, and Hazor, and Megiddo, and Gezer”. The city gates that Shlomo built, have been named 'Solomonic Gates'.
- In Sefer Yehoshua Perek 11, it emphasizes how Yehoshua ben Nun burnt Hazor. But how do you burn stones? Armies would make large fires next to stone structures, causing them to crack. The king of Hazor, which was the largest Canani city, initiated an attack against Yehoshua ben Nun. Then we see the special emphasis on how Yehoshua burnt Hazor. At Hazor, there are the remains of a Canani palace whose stones are cracked, and some of them have ash on them. This means someone burnt these stones intentionally. Can you guess who?!
Archaeological | 5/5 |
Historical | 5/5 |
Nature | 1/5 |
Views | 3/5 |
Burnt Stones
Water system.