KOHANIM CAUTION!!! Near the spring is a staircase leading up a hill that has a view of the area. By the lookout area is a house with a kever in it.
(my videos from this travel)
Google Maps --- Duration 45MIN
- At Gideon's Spring, is where Gideon separated his men by how they drank from the water. You can literally drink from that exact spring! However, DO NOT drink from it, it is dirty!
- In the area in front of Gideon's Spring, is where Shaul Hamelech and his sons were killed. It is also where Gideon defeated the Midyanim.
- Near Gideon's Spring is the location of the Battle of Ain Jalut. The Arab Malmuks for the first time in history defeated a Mongol advance, yes the MONGOLS!!! It's incredible how many empires have fought over Eretz Yisrael!
-Tel Yizreel and Gideon's Spring are near each other.
Archaeological | 1/5 |
Historical | 5/5 |
Nature | 3/5 |
Views | 4/5 |