(my videos from this travel)
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In the Kidron Valley, there are some famous monuments.
*Tomb of Avshalom. It is unlikely that it is his tomb, however, there may have been a structure there before 2000 years ago that was knocked down to make room for this monument. There was an old custom of throwing stones at the monument. Residents of Yerushalayim would bring their misbehaving children here to teach them what happens to rebellious children.
*Tomb of the Benei Chezir. This was the family tomb of a wealthy family called the Benei Chezir. Possibly linked to the Cohanic family of the Benei Chezir.
*Tomb of Zechariah. This tomb is said to be the Kever of the Navi Zechariah, but it is disputed.
-The Kidron Valley is one of the most important locations in the world, it is here that Hashem will judge the nations, Techiyas Hameisim will happen nearby, and Moshiach will ride across the valley on a donkey. This is where Avraham Avinu met Malki Tzedek. Kidron Valley has several names, which are mentioned throughout Tenach.
The Kidron-Valley Har-Hazeisim and The-Eastern-Wall are next to each other and can be done in one trip.