(my videos from this travel)
Usha ~~~ Google Maps
Shabbos Marker ~~~ Google Maps
Duration 1-1.5HR
- There isn't much archeology here, however, this is a very historic location.
-The Sanhedrin relocated from Yavne to Usha. Rabbi Akiva's students lived in Usha, Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, Rebbi Yehudah bar Ilai who was originally from Usha, Rabbi Yossi, and Rabbi Meir. Today there are the remains of the commercial center of Yavne, where they produced wine and oil.
-This is incredible!
-One of the most famous and tragic stories about Usha was the murder of Rabbi Yehuda ben Baba. He gave Smicha to Rabbi Yehuda bar Ilai, Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, Rabbi Meir, Rabbi Yossi ben Chalafta, and Rabbi Elazar ben Shamua, and was murdered by the Romans for doing so. Now, there was a decree that any Rabbi that gave semicha, that city would be destroyed. So Rabbi Yehuda ben Baba went between the Shabbos boundaries of Usha and Shefaram to give semicha. They discovered a Greek inscription which was likely the Shabbos city marker that would warn people if they were going outside of Techum Shabbos. Meaning, it is possible that right beyond there, is where the Romans murdered Rabbi Yehuda ben Baba!
Usha is next to the Kever of Rabbi Yehuda ben Baba
Archeological | 3/5 |
Historical | 5/5 |
Nature | 2/5 |
Views | 1/5 |